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Marriott School of Business

January 2024 MBA Placement

Published on February 16, 2024

Results from January Placement – Congrats to those who accepted roles!

Slow month for Full Time – no one reported accepting an offer. Internships accepts are proceeding, great news. With that, here is the overall picture of January Placement:

For Full Time Hiring, I suspect we still have a reporting issue. Internship hiring is still on track, albeit we are behind just a few points to the 3 yr. average benchmark.

International Placement – Full Time:

Full Time still tracking ahead of last year, but no progress in January.

International Hiring – Internships:

Internships are still ahead of benchmarks, but no progress in January placement.

Job Offers – Full Time:

Job offers are somewhat improving vs. prior months. Basically on par to last year in % of students with at least one offer. Placement trending down though double digits.

Now, Internship offers:

Internship offers are trending basically flat to last year as well. This has cooled off a bit vs. prior months, but still on track. Placement lagging double digits, as is full time.


First a request – please submit your offers and any acceptance into the database. This helps us see what need to work on, and it gives you excellent comp data for negotiations. Please give Perry, Shawna, or myself a visit, and let us help you with your job/internship search.

