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Marriott School of Business


Interviewing Statistics
From a survey of 2000 employers – the question,“What happens in the JOB INTERVIEW?”

  • 33% of employers said they knew within 90 seconds if the candidate would be hired
  • 70% of employers DO NOT want applicants to be fashionable or trendy – yet –
  • 65% of employers said “clothing could be a deciding factor”
  • 20% indicated ‘body language’ was a deciding factor
  • 47% of employers said they would not offer to candidates if they had no knowledge of the company

5 Most Likely Questions to be asked in an INTERVIEW:

  1. Tell Me About Yourself
  2. Why did you choose to leave your last job?
  3. What do you know about our company?
  4. Why do you want to work for us?
  5. Tell me about a time when…

Top 10 Most Common Mistakes in the Job INTERVIEW:

  1. Failing to ASK for the job!
  2. Failing to set yourself apart from the other candidates
  3. “Winging” the interview
  4. Trying to be all things to all people
  5. Concentrating too much on what you want (i.e. questions about work/life balance)
  6. Inadequate research about the potential employer
  7. Not showing enough interest, energy or enthusiasm
  8. Lacking humor, warmth, personality or EQ
  9. Conveying that you are not over it
  10. Over-explaining (i.e. rambling answers, why you lost your last job, your grievance with your past manager, etc.)

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