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Marriott School of Business

Informational Interviews & Networking


An “Informational Interview” is a conversation between you (the information seeker) and a company contact (the information keeper). It is your responsibility to initiate and guide the conversation, but you may find that some contacts will dive right into asking questions about you. Whether you lead the discussion or they, be sure to accomplish your three main goals:

  1. Gain rapport with the company contact
  2. Learn & obtain information about the company
  3. Get additional company contacts

Purpose of the checkpoint:

✅ Learn the ‘Why’ of Info Interviews
✅ Learn Importance of Genuine Interest
✅ Practice and Receive Feedback

Checkpoint Completion Criteria:

✅ Effectively communicate your “Tell me about yourself” and then work through 15 minutes of asking appropriate questions, showing sincere interest, and demonstrating the ability to listen to counterpart
✅ Be able to attain referrals from info interview