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Marriott School of Business

November 2023 MBA Placement Report

Published on December 14, 2023

3 months down with one month left for this semester to be done. Let’s jump in:

CONGRATULATIONS to these MBAs who have accepted a Full Time role or Internship:

First-year MBAs had a great month….which leads into our OVERALL PLACEMENT THROUGH NOVEMBER:

Full Time: Through November, we stand at 32% placed, approx. 15% points behind benchmarks. Two drivers – we have reporting issues (easy fix) and then a harder economy headwind. Work will overcome this headwind.

Internships: Trending ahead of benchmarks, keep up the hard work here!


Full Time: No progress on November, but still trending ahead of last year’s class of 2023.

Internship: Great month, ahead of both benchmarks.

Let’s look at Job Offers:


Again, as in placement, two issues: 1) Reporting. We are estimating approx. a 5% point reporting issue, and 2) Economic headwinds. Companies are slowing down hiring.


Internship offers are ahead of the last two years, as is placement, through November. Great job.

Last data set – INTERNSHIP CONVERSION for Class of ’24:

Through November 72% of all accepted full time offers have come from the summer internship. Highest rate in 2 years. As the year goes on, this number falls to the historical 40% mark. We track this to try to understand how successful you are in converting these internship opportunities. In tougher economic environments, this conversion number tends to be higher. In strong economic environments it tends to be lower – MBAs are more confident to job hunt.

Full-time recruitment is hard work in economic challenging times. Goal setting (KPI Process), hard work, and accountability are key to land these roles. They are there. Internship recruiting is going well – it’s pretty “inelastic” with economic times.

Please come pay Perry (HR), Shawna (Marketing/Internationals), and Rick (Finance/Ops-SC) a visit and we can help. Each of us are more than happy to meet with anyone, track doesn’t matter. Hang in there, and work hard, finish the semester strong. One note – with the Holidays coming, all of you deserve a break from a challenging semester. Please have a wonderful time, and also I’d encourage you to spend some time each week on recruiting, to take advantage of the time.

