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Marriott School of Business

October 2023 MBA Placement Results

Published on November 15, 2023

Fall is in full bloom, it’s great to be a BYU MBA Cougar! Highlights in October were Prospanica, all the on-campus recruiting activities, and Halloween!

Let me start with recognizing all those who accepted a FT job or Internship during the month of October:

Congratulations to all these MBAs who accepted new roles!

Let me turn to overall placement through October:

Full Time: We have a serious under-reporting issue. Please, 2nd Yrs. do your reporting! We use this information to help you negotiate offers. The only way we can do this if you report all offers and acceptances. I still believe if all were up to date on reporting, we still would be lagging last year. We have our work cut off for us here!

Internship: We are trending ahead of benchmarks – congrats! Let’s keep up reporting, and keep up the hard work.

Turning to International Placement – here is where we stand through October:

Full Time: We might still have some reporting issues still – we are ahead of last year, but lag the 3 yr. average. Keep up the hard work!

Internship: Ahead of both benchmarks, similar to the overall internship placement – great job!

Here is a look at Full Time Job Offer “flow”:

Another indicator of reporting issues – we appear to be way behind on job offers. Last 2 years through October, 46% and 43% of students had at least one offer, this year it’s 24%. We need all your help to make sure we are reporting.

Let’s take a look at Internship Offer Flow rate:

Internship is more in line with prior years – with this year ahead of last year by 1% point. Placement is also up solidly as well.

KPI Results:

Actuals are exceeding goals for Hours worked, and are behind in every other catagory. Biggest gaps are Mock Interviews and Real Interviews.

As an FYI, in Career Launch you all can now look at your individual KPI results – brand new!

Lastly, 75% of all FT accepts came from internship conversion (15/20) through October. This is right on track to prior years.


Biggest issue this month is reporting. Again, we ask all of you to report all offers and any acceptance you might have had. This is critical for us to help you with negotiations, and to feed this data to the Dean’s office and ranking bodies to help BYU.

The economy is still trying to find it’s way – several companies, especially tech are tapping the breaks and dialing back recruitment. Probably means we all have to work harder this year. Please connect with your mentors (1st years) and come visit with Perry, Shawna, or myself.

