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Marriott School of Business

"Tell Me About Yourself"


In 2 minutes or less, can you tell your story? Can you do this in a way that is concise, memorable, and relevant? Getting to a place where you can do this effectively takes a fair amount of thought and even more practice. This space provides you with tools that support you on your journey to creating and perfecting your “Tell me about yourself” or “TMAY”.

Purpose of the checkpoint:

✅ Teach Purpose of the Pitch
✅ Demonstrate Pitches (30s & 2m)
✅ Practice
✅ Solicit Feedback

Checkpoint Completion Criteria:

✅ Clearly and professionally present yourself at the opening of an informational interview
✅ Communicate your background/strengths/values and segue into the purpose of contacting someone in 30 seconds or less